Zongwei Zhou

发布 : 2019-06-02 浏览 :

I am currently a PhD student at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. I received the B.S. degree in electronic information and science from China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, in 2013, and the M.S. degree in pattern recognition and intelligence system from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, in 2016. Currently, my research interests include Multi-object tracking and deep learning.


  • PhD in Computer Science - Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 2016.09 — 2020. 06. Research area: Pattern Recognition, Multi-target tracking; Advisor: Prof. Weiming Hu.
  • BE in Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System - Nanjing Unversity of Science and Technology, Nanjing, 2013 — 2016. Research area: Face Recognition, Low-rank Matrix Decomposition; Advisor: Prof. Zhong Jin.
  • BS in Electronic Information and Science - China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 2009 — 2013.


  • Zongwei Zhou, Zhong Jin. Weighted nonconvex nuclear norm and its application in the moving target detection [J]. In _Journal of Image and Graphics_ (JIG), 2015.
  • Zongwei Zhou, Zhong Jin. Double nuclear norm-based robust PCA for image disocclusion and object detection [J]. In _Neurocomputing_, 2016.
  • Zongwei Zhou, Zhong Jin. 2DPCA-based motion detection framework with subspace update of background [J]. In _IET Computer Vision_, 2016.
  • Zongwei Zhou, Mengdan Zhang, Junliang Xing, Weiming Hu. Online multi-target tracking via with tensor-based high-order graph matching [C]. In ICPR, 2018.
  • Zhaoju Li, Zongwei Zhou$^*$, Junliang Xing, Jianbin Jiao. Persor Re-identification via graph convolution network [J]. In _ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications_ (TOMM), 2019.
  • Qing Liu, Zhihui Lai, Zongwei Zhou, Fangjun Kuang, Zhong Jin. A truncated nuclear norm regularization method based on weighted residual error for matrix completion [J]. In _IEEE Transactions on Image Processing_ (TIP), 2016.
  • Weiming Hu, Xinchu Shi, Zongwei Zhou, Junliang Xing, Steve Maybank. Dual L1-normalized context/hyper-context aware tensor power iteration and its applications to multi-object tracking and multi-graph matching [J]. In _International Journal of Computer Vision_ (IJCV), 2019.
  • Zongwei Zhou, Wenhang Luo, Qiang Wang, Junliang Xing, Weiming Hu. A unified multi-cue extraction network for online multi-object tracking [J]. In _Pattern Recognition_ (PR), 2020.

本文作者 : zhouzongwei
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